I've been perusing some of the old Beiruti poetry journals of the 1950s and 60s lately and was struck by the advertisements — and how they seem to suggest a style of modernist, petroleum-centered consumption that might go with modernist poetry. These images are from issues 5-11 (1958-9) of Majallat Shi‘r, edited by Yusuf al-Khal and Adonis, and from issues 1-3 (1962-3) of Majallat Hiwar, edited by Tawfiq Sayigh. (Critical side note: Hiwar was funded by the Congress for Cultural Freedom (later renamed the International Association for Cultural Freedom), a CIA sponsored front-group in the culture battles of the Cold War. The CCF also sponsored political and literary conferences in the region, including the famous 1961 Rome Conference, a landmark event in the formulation of Arab modernist poetics.
Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd (Shi'r, 1958)
Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd (Shi'r, 1959)
Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd (Shi'r, 1958)
Iraq Petroleum Company, Ltd (Shi'r, 1959)
MEDCO Petroleum (Hiwar 1963)
Hillman Cars (Shi'r, 1958)
Van Heusen Shirts (Shi'r, 1959)
Esterbrook Pens (Shi'r, 1958)
Middle East Airlines (Shi'r, 1958)
Middle East Airlines (Shi'r, 1958)
Middle East Airlines (Shi'r, 1959)
Middle East Airlines (Hiwar, 1962)
Middle East Airlines (Hiwar, 1962)